5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Surfskating

Surfskating enthusiasts everywhere will give you an endless list of why you should pick up this sport.

From helping surfers better their balance, surfing technique, and coordination to enjoying a ride around your city without the rigidness of a traditional skateboard slowing you down, the benefits of learning surfskating are countless.

Surf conditioning

If you’re a surfer, it can be difficult to train. Flat days shut you down, and even on good days you spend most of your time in the water, rather than actually surfing.

Surfskating gives you the ability to train for surfing and to condition your body for surfing.

It starts with learning to drive your body to generate speed. Like surfing, surfskating is all in the upper body, primarily the shoulders and hips.

On a surfskate, you can practice the surfing motions for as long as you want without depending on the waves to cooperate.

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